The final month of the Malayalam calendar, Karkidakam, is particularly significant to Kerala’s spiritual and cultural fabric. Spread between mid-July to mid-August, Karkidak is often referred to as ‘Ramayana Masam’ as there is a tradition of reciting the epic Hindu...
Archive - July 2024
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How To Make Guruvayur Room Reservation @ Krishna INN
Hello guys, we have been getting immense love and also support from our readers stating our post have really helped many people to understand the pulse of top hotels in Guruvayoor. Most of them are pretty much happy with our hotel & the services that we offer them. Based on the recent...
In the fast-paced world of today, the digital era has completely changed how we arrange and plan our trips. The option to book rooms online is among the biggest innovations in the hospitality industry. For travellers everywhere, this technological breakthrough has produced a plethora of...